EMR / EHR Software

Practice-Friendly Software Design

Our EMR Software’s design concentrates frequently accessed patient data in just a few screens: EMR Software Practice View screen provides an up-to-the-minute overview of all office activity. At-a-glance tools include:

Patient Chart

The Patient Chart provides a comprehensive and logical view of all data related to a specific patient. Static elements are on the left and events are listed by category in an “event tree” on the right. Static Information:

  1. Demographics
  2. Allergies
  3. Problem List
  4. Other Sensitivities
  5. Routine Meds
  6. Previous Medical History
  7. Referring Doctor
  8. Family Medical History
  9. Chart Note
  10. Social History
  11. Insurance Events
  12. Encounters
  13. Immunizations
  14. Labs
  15. Imaging
  16. Medical Tests
  17. Flow Sheets
  18. Text Records
  19. Excuses/Notes Additional User-Definable Categories

Our EMR Software’s Office Visit screen enables rapid and complete documentation of an entire office visit with little or no typing. Elements include: Classic SOAP Format

  1. (S) Subjectives
  2. (O) Objectives
  3. (A) Assessment
  4. (P) Plan
  5. PopUp Text
  6. PopUp Text List
  7. (middle panel) is variable and corresponds to the OV component currently in use by the practitioner. OV Components:
  8. Chief Complaint
  9. Review of Systems
  10. Vitals
  11. Examination
  12. Diagnoses
  13. Prescriptions
  14. Tests
  15. Procedures
  16. Other Treatment Follow-up